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会计学术联联盟记者报道:近日在网上检索文章时,有一篇内容为“打高尔夫的CFO影响上市公司财务信息环境吗?”吸引了记者关注,此篇文章原文为《CFO Effort and Public Firms' Financial Information Environment》,早在2015年就上传在SSRN,此篇文章曾经在2019年CAR年会上报告。近期被国际会计顶级期刊Contemporary Accounting Research(简称CAR) Paul Hribar教授接受。
1. Introduction
One of the primary job functions of CFOs is to provide market participants with timely and value-relevant information regarding firm performance. Existing literature shows that individual CFO characteristics such as gender, experience, ability, and professional qualifications are related to a CFO’s job performance (Aier et al. 2005; Chava and Purnanandam 2010; Jiang et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010; Demerjian et al. 2013). In this paper, we test a fundamental economic proposition that may be important in this context, but that has been largely overlooked in the literature. Motivated by seminal work on agency theory, we consider whether CFO effort is a function of a CFO’s economic incentives, and, in turn, whether the amount of effort exerted by CFOs affects the CFO’s job performance (Jensen and Meckling 1976). Given that “effort determines the degree to which available knowledge and abilities are brought to bear on the task” (Libby and Luft 1993, p.433), we expect that the quality of a CFO’s work will be positively related to the amount of effort she exerts. Because of the difficulty in observing and measuring executive effort, prior research has been unable to examine this question empirically. However, in recent work, Biggerstaff et al. (2017) introduce a measure of executive leisure consumption – the amount of golf they play – and show that high levels of CEO golf are negatively related to overall firm performance. We submit that golf play could also be a reasonable measure of CFO leisure consumption. Our main findings can be summarized as follows. First, there is considerable heterogeneity in the amount of golf played by CFOs who maintain an official golfing handicap. Second, consistent with agency theory, the amount of golf CFOs play is inversely related to their equity-based incentives. Third, we find a negative correlation between the amount of time CFOs spend on the golf course and the quality of their work. In particular, more frequent CFO golf play is associated with lower earnings quality and a poorer information environment. These results are robust to a number of tests that address the potentially endogenous nature of this relation, including the use of firm and CFO fixed effects as well as an instrumental variable analysis. Additionally, we fail to find significant associations when we replace CFO golf with CEO golf in our analyses, suggesting that our results are unique to CFOs. We discuss these and other additional results in more detail below.
从Ball and Brown(1968)开始•主讲嘉宾:Junjun•7月5日 19:30-22:00•授课平台:CCtalk在线直播
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